
Membership Interest Form

If you wish to join as a member, please follow these steps: Fill out our Membership Interest Form online. A pastor will contact you to discuss the next steps and will ask about your faith, baptism, and agreement with the basic tenets of our church.

Becoming a Member

To be a member of God's Kingdom is more important than being a church member. There are no fees or obligations, as Christ paid for your sins on the cross. All you need is faith in Him and forgiveness from God. The first step is to trust Christ personally. If you're new to this, let us know so we can assist you in your faith journey. After trusting in Christ as Savior and Lord, join a local church, which is a gathering of believers who have been baptized and committed to serving Him together.

In Acts 2:38-41, we see that the members of the first church were people who: repented of their sins and trusted in Christ for forgiveness, were baptized by immersion as evidence of their faith, and have the Holy Spirit. Peter says that this promise is for all kinds of people – “for you and your children and for all who are far off – for all whom the Lord God will call.”